What if….? Bipartisanship

What if….we acted in our daily lives from bipartisanship?

Laurie Seymour and I focus regularly to review the next evolution of The Baca Journey. This past weekend two new ideals emerged.  The first was a new section for the website titled “What if…”  The “What if…” section is an area of exploration to share thoughts and ideas on creating a new norm.  The second was a focus on the ideal of bipartisanship which is part of the political rhetoric we hear when elections near.

This year we have a major political focus as it is a Presidential Election year.  Time after time I hear commentaries and the word bipartisanship is used on a daily basis.  When words or concepts come to my attention, I open the dictionary for a clear definition rather than leaving it up to my own devices.  Webster’s New World Dictionary provided the following definition:

Bipartisan: adj. of, representing, or supported by two parties… n. bipartisanship

Laurie and I shared our thoughts to orient ourselves with the realities necessary for Bipartisanship.  We began to realize there were many components which would allow true bipartisanship to emerge, possibly in daily life. In order for this to occur several qualities had to be present or the sacred nature of this style of creation would be violated.

First, each person had to have respect for the other person and value their opinion, as the nature of an interaction or creation needed to be free from judgment.

Second, each person would have to participate and bring their view to the table without holding back, as freedom of expression is vital.

Third, a unified vision for the higher welfare of others and what the participants wish to accomplish must be defined, as individual agendas will skew the results.

Fourth, the feeling of acknowledgment and trust must be present so the parties feel free to express.

And lastly, a desire to set a new paradigm is the ultimate goal… In other words there is a bigger picture which will be influenced by the Bipartisan action.

What we began to realize is that unification of two or more people in a pure form such as ideal bipartisanship embraces individuality or the individual voice leading to the creation of something much bigger than individual opinions.  True bipartisanship builds a more balanced creation.

The essential elements of bipartisanship are respect, participation, unification, acknowledgment and trust all of which leads to the freedom to create!

What if the new norm were bipartisanship?  What picture of the world would emerge?


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2 Responses

  1. I appreciate your response. We are always looking for new ideas, your thoughts and possible articles.The new What If… is designed to promote thought, examine potential additions, views and ideas of how we can improve our lives. Thank you for your comments. Join in with your own thoughts too!! Leon

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