Welcome to Wisdom Talk Radio, where we explore the depths of conscious living and what it truly means to live an expanded life. In this podcast, we dive into the whole range of conscious living, including energy, creativity, spirituality, purpose, self-awareness, conscious business, and so much more.
Join us on this journey as we speak with some of the most insightful and inspiring thought leaders and experts in the field of conscious living. We delve into their personal experiences, share their wisdom, and explore new and exciting ways to live more consciously.
Whether you’ve been on the journey of exploration for years or just discovering the world of conscious living, this podcast is for you. Through these conversations, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your relationships, and the world around you. Most importantly, you will find new ways of living and expressing the fullness of who you are.
So, tune in to Wisdom Talk Radio and join us in this exploration of conscious living. Together, let’s unlock the secrets to living a more purposeful, fulfilling, and awakened life.
Women Who Podcast Magazine, Summer Issue
World Podcast Network: Multiple episodes chosen as staff favorites.
2016-2024: Wisdom Talk Radio© All rights reserved
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Two-time international #1 bestselling author, creator and host of the Wisdom Talk Radio podcast, Executive Coach, international trainer and speaker, Laurie Seymour, M.A., is the founder and CEO of The Baca Institute.
Over twenty-five years ago, Laurie was honored to receive the stewardship of a special energetic technology, Turaya Touch© and Turaya Meditation©, that accelerates the process of innovation and creation in individuals and groups.
My early training and practice as a psychotherapist developed my understanding about human design: how people are wired, how they think, and how they operate. Yet, I knew there was a whole other world of untapped potential and possibility, far more than what training, expertise, and knowledge alone gives you. I felt it in me, and I saw it being revealed repeatedly in my clients.
I spent 13 years as a Solutions Engineer in telecommunications, working with Fortune 100 companies like Google, Intel, Kaiser Permanente, LinkedIn, and the US Navy and the US Marine Corps. That developed my knowing that unexpected solutions exist and honed my ability to bring into being things that had not previously existed.
At the same time, my energy training and experience showed me that a vision is often far bigger than you expect. This helped me tap into the profound potential I had always known was available.
It took me to explore quantum physics and quantum leaps and the metaphysical side of life. I was guided to study with the teacher who brought through what became known as Turaya, and to spend 25 years of inner exploration and research, living aligned with these energies of Creative Intelligence that give direct access with Source.
Having been initiated as Turaya Grand Master, I hold the energetic technology within me to activate this direct connection for you.
It is a gift to work with people who are the big visionaries in the world, the co-creators, the people whose visions come from a higher source to advance evolution in the world.
I’m humbled that this is the unique package the universe has gifted me. I feel blessed and honored to use these gifts with my expertise and my guidance abilities to be able to support you in claiming your birthright.
We release new episodes frequently! Tune in wherever you listen to podcasts & leave us a review! Share the love so that others can discover for themselves, and together, we can change the world.
How Can I Help You?
You see a need. And you have something to offer to the world in this precious moment on Planet Earth. Yet you feel the frustration of the things that stand in your way of creating with the higher intelligence that belongs to you.
It’s time, isn’t it? Because you are ready to have greater peace, ease, and joy in each moment of your business and personal life.
Your ability to bring your vision into reality, in alignment with who you are and without burnout, is the missing piece.
I offer an initial complimentary Quantum Connection call. We’ll look at the right next step for you to connect with Source at a deeper level than you thought you ever could.
This is what changes everything.
Click the button below. I look forward to connecting with you.
Join us on this journey as we speak with some of the most insightful and inspiring thought leaders and experts in the field of conscious living.